2024-01-27 6:21 PM
I am try to apply flash code to my project but it shows strange behavior.
If I run run the code without break, program gose unhandled exception2.
If put some break points here, flash erase and flash program works well.
Left: Just before enter the flasherase routine.
Right: Programm in unhandled expetion2.
I tried with some deliay routin just be break point, but the behavior is the same.
Are there any solution?
2024-02-06 4:02 AM
Hello, I check the other code run in ram.
It works well and there are some comments for the execution of flash program must be run in ram.
I want to assign the function to ram but I failed because there is no C code delivered.
c55_freegcc.a, c55_gcc.a, c55_ghs.a are delivered so I cannot assign the funtion to ram using "__attribute__((section(".ram_code"))) ".
Are there any solution to run flash related code from ram. The other code runing at flash.
or if there are object code delivered with free assigned "__attribute__((section(".ram_code"))) " or the other, I ca