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The MCU is SPC563M64. After configuration of TLB1 entry 1, the program can not run normally!!!


The code is as followed. When i delete TLB entry 1 configuration code, the program can run normally!! Why?:confounded_face:

__asm void MMUTLB_init(void)


 /*configure TLB entry 1,start from 0x0000 8000,4MB*/

 lis   r3, 0x1001      /* Select TLB entry 1, define R/W replacment control */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0000  /* clear the low 16bits of r3*/

 mtMAS0 r3              /* Load MAS0 with 0x1001 0000 for TLB entry 1*/

 lis   r3, 0xC000      /* Define description context and configuration control: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0600  /* VALID=1, IPROT=1, TID=0, TS=0, TSIZE=0110 (4MB size) */

 mtMAS1 r3              /* Load MAS 1 with 0x8000 0600 */

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define EPN and page attributes: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x8000  /* VLE=0*/

 mtMAS2 r3              /* EPN = 0x0000 8000, WIMAGE = all 0's */

                         /* Load MAS2 with 0x0000 8000 */ 

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define RPN and access control for data R/W */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x803F  /* RPN = 0x0000 0000, U0:3=0, UX/SX=1, UR/SR/UW/SW=1 */

 mtMAS3 r3              /* Load MAS3 with 0x0000 800F */             

 tlbwe                  /*load the TLB entry*/

 /*configure TLB entry 6,0x0000 4000-0x0000 8000*/

 lis   r3, 0x1006      /* Select TLB entry 6, define R/W replacment control */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0000  /*clear the low 16bits of r3*/

 mtMAS0 r3              /* Load MAS0 with 0x1006 0000 for TLB entry 1*/

 lis   r3, 0xC000      /* Define description context and configuration control: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0200  /* VALID=1, IPROT=0, TID=0, TS=0, TSIZE=0010 (16KB size) */

 mtMAS1 r3              /* Load MAS 1 with 0x8000 0200 */

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define EPN and page attributes: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x4000  /* EPN = 0x0000 4000, WIMAGE = all 0's */

 mtMAS2 r3              /* Load MAS2 with 0x0000 4000 */

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define RPN and access control for data R/W */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x403F  /* RPN = 0x0000 4000, U0:3=0, UX/SX=0, UR/SR/UW/SW=1 */

 mtMAS3 r3              /* Load MAS3 with 0x0000 400F */             

 tlbwe                  /*load the TLB entry*/

 /*configure TLB entry 7,0x0000 0000-0x00004000*/

 lis   r3, 0x1007      /* Select TLB entry 7, define R/W replacment control */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0000  /*clear the low 16bits of r3*/

 mtMAS0 r3              /* Load MAS0 with 0x1007 0000 for TLB entry 1*/

 lis   r3, 0xC000      /* Define description context and configuration control: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0200  /* VALID=1, IPROT=0, TID=0, TS=0, TSIZE=0010 (16KB size) */

 mtMAS1 r3              /* Load MAS 1 with 0xC000 0200 */

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define EPN and page attributes: */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x0000  /* EPN = 0x0000 0000, WIMAGE = all 0's */

 mtMAS2 r3              /* Load MAS2 with 0x0000 0000 */

 lis   r3, 0x0000      /* Define RPN and access control for data R/W */

 ori   r3, r3, 0x003F  /* RPN = 0x0000 0000, U0:3=0, UX/SX=0, UR/SR/UW/SW=1 */

 mtMAS3 r3              /* Load MAS3 with 0x0000 000F */             

 tlbwe                  /*load the TLB entry*/


after debug, i found the TLB1 entry0 has been changed, but code don't change it. 0693W000001qEYZQA2.jpg


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