2018-06-04 5:29 AM
I am a newbie on ST products and have a motor control toolkit
SPC5-MCTK-01. I followed ''
document to setup toolkit.I am trying to setup software with insturctions in page 13. I have a problem on 3rd step. I have imported demo application SPC560Pxx_RLA_Web_Motor_Control_Demo_Application on SPC5 Studio. But i can not see anything under motor control section to configure motor parameters. It seems some libraries or object files can not imported. Here is the project explorer view of me and quick start guide. Can you explain how can i solve this issue.
By the way, i have also installed ''UpdateSite_MCTK_SPC56xx_Web_RTM100''.
2018-06-04 9:28 AM
Hi Furkan,
it seems to me that for some reason the update site didn't work. Did you get any error message during the update site update? Which version of SPC5Studio are you using?
2018-06-05 2:42 AM
Hi Giuseppe,
I'm using version: 5.8.0. I just get this warning during installation and click OK to continue.
Here is the view of installation details of MCTK Update Site:
2018-06-06 2:35 AM
Hi Furkan,
I checked again the update site and the demo application from web with 5.8 spc5studio version and there are no problems. Could you create a new workspace, apply again the update site, restart spc5studio, import the web demo application in the new workspace and let me know? In case you still have issue drop me an email
we will try to support at best.Giuseppe