2019-10-20 11:44 PM
I bought spc5-mctk-01 which is composed by three boards. spc560p50L5 + L9907 + 6 mos.
after setting up and power on , the motor spins.
but after I burned the demo code(SPC560Pxx_RLA_Web_Motor_Control_R1_Demo_Application) into the board , the motor just can not run anymore. it seems that fail when startup.
I am wondering is there hardware revision or software revision.
because it's abnormal that the demo provided by ST cant not work without modification.
software I am using version info:
SPC5 Studio, version: 5.8.1
(c) Copyright STMicroelectronics 2018. All rights reserved.
Motor Control ToolKit Feature version (BLN_MCTK_RTM_1.1.0)
is composed of five components:
1. Web Motor control component for SPC560Pxx Family (256K and 512K
are supported)
2. Web Demo for SPC560Pxx Family (using User frendly Wizard)
3. L9907 Smart Driver for SPC56xx
4. STGAP1S Smart Driver for SPC56xx
5. L99ASC03 Smart Driver for SPC56xx