2025-03-14 6:25 AM
I am developing my project using the SPC58EC74 chip,I found two problems when using SPI(The clock I/O is PG[11]/DSPI0_SCK, which is pin 34)。first question:When the amount of my code is relatively small, the clock signal is normal; when the amount of my code is relatively large, the clock signal is abnormal, see the next picture
That's right, sheer amount of code, the extra code will not be executed (my app launches from Flash),Below is my executable file information,This is problematic
I swear the extra code is not being executed, it's just taking up space。
Second question:I don't know what is the relationship between SPI and CAN, when I CAN work properly, CAN can not work properly; When the SPI is disabled or the SPI is abnormal (for example, the clock is abnormal), CAN works properly。this is my question,Thank you for your answer. Thank you very much。