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SPC5Studio v4.0.0 import v3.7 project and proxy issues

Posted on January 06, 2016 at 15:47

Dear SPC5Studio Team,

I followed the installation procedure (backup licence and workspace, uninstall v3.7.1, remove workspace...) and I now have 2 problems:

- I exported my v3.7 project in zip file and imported it in v4.0. I added the Platform, init and LL drivers SLA packages and I generate the components. WHERE COULD DRIVERS SETTINGS BE FOUND? The clock component shows clock settings, ok, but where are FlexCAN, DSPI settings??? Even if I create an app using the wizard, i'm stuck. The clock settings are not using the values I used in my configuation.xml. Is the v3.7 configuration.xml still supported in v4.0?

- I set the http and https proxy settings to manual with correct server address, port, login and pwd, clear socks entries, and at startup the log says ''System property https.proxyPort is not set but should be 8080.'' and so on for all 6 properties. Only one time it worked after applying but when looking for updates or market place I had 2 possible issues:

  - 9 times out of 10, the log shows ''Provisioning exception'' containing ''HTTP Proxy Authentication Required:



  - 1 time out of 10, the fetching starts but the transfer is extremely slow (2kB/s...) and stops after 20 minutes. The ST website is also very slow to respond. Is there any issues on the ST side or could this come from my proxy config? What would you recommand?
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on January 12, 2016 at 15:20

Hello Aurelien ,

Could you confirm Hightec version ?

      Best Regards



Posted on January 13, 2016 at 10:30

I'm using Hithtec Power PC toolchain v4.6.6.0.

To use a floating licence the key RLM_LICENSE has to be the port and server (e.g.



I actually have the following problem: I couldn't solve this linker error:

c:/hightec/toolchains/powerpc/v4.6.6.0/bin/../lib/gcc/ppc-ht-eabi/4.6.4/../../../../ppc-ht-eabi/bin/ld.exe: error: cannot find -lm

ld.exe has no -lm option and I don't know where to correct this.

I switched to the hightec/eclipse environment and it builds without any problem.



Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on January 13, 2016 at 16:50

Hello Aurelien ,

I can compile with floating license too.

Linker Options is set -lm,-lc by default

you have to set -lc

          Best regards


Posted on January 14, 2016 at 17:28

Hello Erwan,

see file attached. I added -lc option to linker settings without success. -lm was not set. Where should I correct this?




Attachments :

2016-01-14_172455.png :
Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on January 14, 2016 at 18:10

Hello Aurelien ,

you should

1) unset your environment variable USE_LDOPT.

in C/C++/Build/Environment 

2) or Put this variable environment Empty

  Best regards


Posted on January 19, 2016 at 10:51

Hello Erwan,

problem solved! I were right, I removed this key.

Thank you