2017-03-16 11:57 PM
Hello Together,
I am fairly new to developing Software using SPC5 Studio. I have been at the Embedded World and got an introduction to SPC5Studio. Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate what I have seen at the fair.
Currently, I am trying to set up a Project for SPC570S. I have available the Evaluation board SPC570S-DISP.
SPC5Studio Version 5.2.3
I am loading a demo Project using the SPC5Studio Wizard: select my demo board, select a demo Project 'SPC570Sxx_RLA CAN Test Application for Discovery' and off we go.
The Project is created successfully and I want to get started configuring the MCU using the MCU wizard (plugin is installed). But I cannot find it. The same applies to the Clocktree Wizard. The plugin is installed but I cannot find it for my Project anywhere.
Can someone give me a hint as to how to get my development started?
Best Regards,
#spc572017-06-14 2:01 AM
Hello Thomas ,
Sorry for the late answer
i have missed the post submitted in the Automotive Community
There is no MCU Wizard, no PinmapWizard , No Clocktree Wizard yet implemented for SPC570S
Anyway , you can begin from the test application 'SPC570Sxx_RLA CAN Test Application for Discovery' and the spc5studio components (Clocktree and so on ..)
Best regards
2017-06-14 5:07 AM
Hello Erwan,
thank you for the information. Do you have an idea whether that feature is planned at all? For which version? Possible release date?
Have a nice day,
2017-06-14 8:51 AM
Hello Thomas ,
MCU Wizard and Clokctree Wizard are not planned for the next release (End of July).
Maybe in September.
Best regards