2015-01-19 1:45 AM
I am trying to build a project created using SPC5Studio Wizard. The steps used are File->New->SPC5Studio Wizard. Afte this I selected SPC560D-DIS as the product line. Then selected all the drivers with OSLess version. I selected all the available applications for this configuration. I tried building one of the application - SPC560Dxx OS-Less Test Application for Discovery, it is giving following errors,- Symbol 'NULL' could not be resolved- Symbol 'uint32_t' could not be resolved- Symbol 'int32_t' could not be resolved- Symbol 'uint16_t' could not be resolved- Symbol 'uint8_t' could not be resolvedSimilar errors for different defines used in main.c file are there. Few errors are for the functions used like osalThreadSleepMilliseconds().Can you please help me resolve these? Is any project setting/configuration missing?Your earliest help in this regard will be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance for all your help.Mike. #virtual-timer #virtual-timer #spc5studio-build #spc56-examplesSolved! Go to Solution.
2015-01-27 2:03 AM
Hello Mike ,
CDT ''preprocessor'' built-in does not find the include PATH of the hightec compiler It is just a preprocessor but not an issue for the compilation ;) if you want to remove these errors in C/C++ general ==> Preprocesseur Include you should add these 2 directories : C:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\lib\gcc\ppc-ht-eabi\4.6.3\include C:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\ppc-ht-eabi\include cf screenshot Best Regards Erwan ________________ Attachments : 2015-01-27_110209.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qWZu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000boO%2FhTDK6GqLn4AoLqSUsLyPRSN0FYQZ2ysQPYEMOozlhZQ&asPdf=false2015-01-21 2:03 AM
Is it required to create the example code projects keeping the default location for the path? I came across one of posts on this forum mentioning the importance of default workspace path. Is this the reason for failing to build the example codes when created with different path?
Thanks in advance for any help.Mike.2015-01-23 3:56 AM
I an new user for SPC series MCU and also for its toolchain. I am using SPC560D30L3 series with SPC5Studio for my project. I am going through different posts on this forum to understand the issues you all are facing. I am trying to understand the example codes as well mentioned in respective posts. I am finding it difficult to locate/find the source files mentioned in few of the posts. e.g one post mentions about a file 'hal_lld.c' for knowing the vector handlers. I tried locating this file but was unable to. Please clarify what am I missing? Am I required to build all the examples? I tried that as well but still not able to locate it. Please guide me.
Thanks for your any help.Mike.2015-01-27 2:03 AM
Hello Mike ,
CDT ''preprocessor'' built-in does not find the include PATH of the hightec compiler It is just a preprocessor but not an issue for the compilation ;) if you want to remove these errors in C/C++ general ==> Preprocesseur Include you should add these 2 directories : C:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\lib\gcc\ppc-ht-eabi\4.6.3\include C:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\ppc-ht-eabi\include cf screenshot Best Regards Erwan ________________ Attachments : 2015-01-27_110209.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qWZu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000boO%2FhTDK6GqLn4AoLqSUsLyPRSN0FYQZ2ysQPYEMOozlhZQ&asPdf=false2015-01-27 2:05 AM
2015-01-28 5:51 AM
Thanks Erwan for the reply.
Mike.2015-02-09 1:51 AM
For two of the test applications,1. SPC560Dxx OS-Less CAN Test Application and 2. SPC560Dxx OS-Less CAN Test Application for Discovery,when tried to build, giving an error as function 'osalVTSet' is missing. I tried locating it for the workspace but not found. Whihc file holds this function? What inclusion is required for it?Thanks in advance for your earliest reply.Mike.2015-02-17 6:12 AM
Hello Mike ,
Could you confirm your SPC5Studio version ?OSAL compilation issue has been corrected in the last version. Best regards Erwan2015-02-17 8:57 PM
Hello Erwan,
I am using SPC5Studio v3.3.1.I am waiting for your help to get the latest version as the PC (with SPC5Studio installed on it) do not have web connectivity to download the latest ver.Thanks.Mike.2015-02-25 6:11 AM
Hello Erwan,
I am using SPC5Studio v3.4.2. I am still facing the error as function osalVTSet is missing. I am attaching the test application herewith. Please clarify. Thanks. Mike. ________________ Attachments : SPC560Dxx_OS-Less_CAN_Test_Application.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qYYt&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bp2%2F4.6WnU_kJjlrjDCzrTBqgv4tpYwncpPTu33nFJs3fx4&asPdf=false