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SPC58EC-DISP Serial Communication Sample code HELP!!!


A problem occurred during the serial communication test process with the SPC58EC-DISP board.

The test environment and problem symptoms are as follows.

test environment

1. Apply 12V Power to SPC58EC-DISP board

2. Debugging and Serial Communication Test through PLS USB Serial Port (COM6)

3. Using SPC5 STUDIO Sample Code ( SPC58ECxx_RLA_SERIAL Test Application for Discovery example code)

4. Checked the normal operation of LED of Sample Code (flash sample code using UDE STK )

5. Use Docklight to monitor serial communication from PC (Set as Baudrate:38400 Data bits:8 Stop bits:1 Parity:None)

6. Set COM6 PORT's Baudrate , data bits, stop bits from device manager

problem phenomenon

1. sample code is flashed on the board and then activated, the operation of sending Hello World through serial communication should be confirmed, but a strange value is sent and normal communication is not performed.

- It seems that serial data is being sent through UART communication with LIN Flex0 peripheral.

do I have to set something more set the jumper pin? If so, please let me know how to solve it and I will test it.

References is uploaded.

thank you


I removed the STM32 tag from this question and added the SPC5 tag.

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oh mistake thank you :)

Senior III


in which way did you connect the serial output from the board to the host pc? As explained in the file Readme.txt within the SPC5Studio project, since on the board it is not present a serial transceiver, we suggest 2 possible ways:

  1. if you have an external serial transceiver (RS232), please, connect pin GND, 5V, D1 (SCI_0 TXD) and A10 (SCI_0 RXD) from Discovery board to the external transceiver RS232. Then, connect the external transceiver to the host pc using an USBtoSERIAL cable.
  2. if you do not have an external transceiver, please, connect pin TX2 (SCI_0 TXD) and RX2 (SCI_0 RXD) directly from Discovery board to related pins on the USBtoSERIAL cable., then connect the USBtoSERIAL cable with the host pc.



Associate III


I am facing the same issue as SMOON.2.

I just have the SPC58EC-DISP Discovery board and I do not have the external transceiver RS232.

So, I should do it as explained in point 2 right ( if you do not have an external transceiver, please, connect pin TX2 (SCI_0 TXD) and RX2 (SCI_0 RXD) directly from Discovery board to related pins on the USBtoSERIAL cable., then connect the USBtoSERIAL cable with the host pc) ?

But how should I do it ? It is not clear to me. Could someone elaborate it ?


To connect two serial devices, the RX and TX pins should be crossed. The TX of one device goes into the RX of the other.

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Associate III

Sorry. It is not clear. I should configure the pins using SPC5Studio right or is it another way ?

Associate III

0693W00000WI2B5QAL.pngThis is the pin setting by default for the SPC58ECxx_RLA_SERIAL Test Application for Discovery example code. Should I change the pin settings here inorder to get this application running ?

Configure the chip to have the serial input/inputs in the normal manner.

Perhaps outp​ut a stream of characters so you can scope the signal.

Connect the directionally appropriate input/output signals to counterparts on the USB to CMOS Serial adapter that YOU have selected.

In the electric sense and output needs to go to an input.​

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Associate III

Alright. In order to receive from serial I need a RS232 to USB cable converter.

Another question is, the RS232 to USB cable converter does not download program to the board, right ? That means in addition to this converter, we should also have the USB cable to download program to the board. Is this correct ?

