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SPC570S40 start in RUN0 mode with debugger

Guglielmo Spina
Associate II
Posted on February 05, 2018 at 14:39

Hi ,

I'm new and I 'm developing on SPC570S40E1.

I've a demo board and my final target board.

When I try to debug my application I've 2 different behavior between  demo board and final target:

 on demo board during clock initialization I see by ME_GS register that the system is DRUN mode, while , on my final target, sw go in irqSysHalt called  by spc_clock_init SPC5_CLOCK_FAILURE_HOOK because system mode is RUN0.

My demo board is SPC570S-DISP , my target is the same  micro 64 pin and I use UDESTK with microUSB.

On the final target , after load the program, if I power on the board, the program run correctly, while with Debugger don't  run because is locked in irqSysHalt.

#spc570s40e1 #ude #udestk
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on February 06, 2018 at 11:35

Hello Guglielmo ,

No problem is noticed on


Could you check the application SPC570Sxx_RLA SERIAL Test Application for Discovery located in SPC5Studio ?

Did you use the same way of debugging (PLS) for your final board ?

  Best regards


Posted on February 07, 2018 at 10:59

Hello Erwan,

Yes, on final board I'm using SPC5-UDESTK PLS USB/JTAG adapter