2013-11-10 7:06 PM
Pad configuration information is needed for the SPC56xxMB EVAL board with the SPC 564AADPT324S mini-module. On the SPC564A (324 pin package), almost all of the eTPU2 and eMIOS pins are multiplexed. For example, on the dev board, pin header PJ9 shows a pin labeled ETPUA11. On the SPC564A, etpu channel 11 may be assigned to pad 125 (physical pin number AB4) or pad number 144 (pin L4). There is no way of knowing how the board was routed. These pins are assigned in the SIU at runtime.
So far, I have been using the trial and error method, but this is not really acceptable when trying to develop a complicated eTPU routine.Is the pad configuration information available? A copy of siu_init.c would probably be easiest.ThanksKevin2013-11-19 4:35 AM
the issue is that your are trying to use FSL parts ... :) BTW, here in attach the document you need. Please note that MCU pins vs connector association is based on primary function *regardless* actual pin mapping on different packages. It is the minimodule that will reroute every signal in the list I sent. As an example (see png): ETPUA11 (primary function for PCR 125) will be routed to same connector PJ9, same PJ9 connector's pin, regardless package. 176 pins --> pin 48 will be routed into PJ9 that position 208 pins --> pin L2 will be routed intoPJ9same position 324 pins --> pin J2 will be routed into PJ9 same position If you want to enable all primary function, programming SIUL, it is easy. You should write one to all PCR[xx].PA fields. BR, Dario. ________________ Attachments : 125.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qWUs&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000boM%2FeWl3J45fnbNjeohb8MiGYT7dL.2euRFspA4dDTGvF9Q&asPdf=falseexp_connectors.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qYSb&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bp1%2F31dZxSakHz18ramrEGWoEJlQ4bJeeqF.r7WOsiynWWo&asPdf=falsexPC564A_Pin_Mapping.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qWJi&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000boE%2FjSPkmfApFuA3EK9l7ZNB.m2fUU72RPPbTt58mhAebIo&asPdf=false2013-11-20 9:16 AM
Hi Dario,
Thanks for the info. If you believe that the dev board mainly uses the the primary pad function I'll proceed on that basis. If I find any pads that don't use the primary function, I'll post it here.What I didn't mention in my first post is why it is important to know which pad is assigned to which function on the board. In the example that I gave in my original post, I say that etpu channel 11 may be assigned to pad 125 (physical pin number AB4) or pad number 144 (pin L4). The reason that this information is important is that pad 125 may be assigned as an input or output, but pad 144 may only be assigned as an output. So it is actually very important to know which pin is physically routed to which pin on the dev board. I understand that ETPUA11 will always go to connector PJ9-12 (I think it's 12) regardless of which mini-module is used. But if I do not know which PCR pad is associated with which processor function, I will not be able to assign it in the SIU and/or I may not be able to assign it the kind of direction (I/O) that I need.As you indicated, so far I have not found any pads that do not have the primary function assigned to them - good news that!Thanks for your help.Kevin