2018-06-11 1:33 AM
I have encountered problem with my SPC560P60. After power on reset I am stuck at ram init function waiting for POR flag in RGM. My SW distinguish between reset sources and if it is POR I am initializing SRAM.
But in this case I am doing POR and cannot see the corresponding flags after POR and my SW get stuck and reset by SWT.
#reset #spc56xp60 #rgm2018-06-12 12:46 AM
Hello Peter ,
Did you try to reset FES and DES ?
Best regards
2018-06-12 2:54 PM
ehm, as I have wrote I am analyzing reset sources and if it was POR I am initializing RAM.
If I erase FES and DES what advantage this brings to me?
I know there was POR, as I did power on board, but your micro isn't reporting that in DES.
And therefore my SW crash as I have no RAM initialized.
2018-06-13 4:23 AM
Hello Peter ,
Could you check the others flags ?
'The F_POR flag is automatically cleared on a 1.2 V low-voltage detected or a 2.7 V lowvoltage
detected. This means that if the power-up sequence is not monotonic (i.e., thevoltage rises and then drops enough to trigger a low-voltage detection), the F_POR flagmay not be set but instead the <register>F_LVD12 or <register>F_LVD27_VREG flag is seton exiting the reset sequence. Therefore, if the F_POR, <register>F_LVD12 or<register>F_LVD27_VREG flags are set on reset exit, software should interpret the resetcause as power-on.'Best regards