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SPC560P TSENS corresponding to the voltage

Posted on December 04, 2014 at 04:37


Anybody can give me the table about the SPC560P sampling temperature corresponding to voltage?

Best regards

Liu Wei

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on December 09, 2014 at 10:19

Hello Liu ,

SPC560P TSENS is not supported and removed in the last version of the reference manual.

if you want to use TSENS, i advice to use SPC56ELxx .

Chapter 51 :in RM032

    Best regards


Posted on July 10, 2015 at 14:54

Hi Erwan,

I want to use TSENS to measure SPC56EL60 internal temperature. I read documentation found in ''Chapter 51 :in RM032''.

I followed steps mentioned in the document(some of them was not clear enough). But the final temperature values are not logic.

According to the Reference Manual the temperature can be calculated from the following equation:

- Equation:

T = T2 + (T1 – T2).A/(A + B)


A = PxC2 – P2Cx

B = CxP1 – PxC1

- P1,P2,C1,C2 are stored in test flash memory. I used code from ADC application note(AN4371) to read these values form Test Flash memory.


P1 = 1810

P2 = 950

C1 = 1022

C2 = 1409

- Px & Cx represent the current voltage corresponding to Current temperature in Proportional and Complementary modes.

when I read Px it was 1921 which is higher Than P1 (corresponding voltage at max Temp value(T=150)).

So, the final Temperature values too high.

Can you help me? tell me if I am doing something wrong and provide me with any other useful documentation.

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on July 20, 2015 at 16:59

Hello Mahmoud ,

Did you measure ADC Channel 15 ?

Did you use the presampling on Channel 15.

there is a erratum on this subject.

e4016: ADC: Presampling on channels 9, 10, 15 leads to

incorrect results


On ADC channels 9 (for factory test only) , 10 (VREG_1.2V), 15 (


) when performing

presampling using VSS_HV_ADR (PREVAL0=01) and bypassing the sampling

(PRECONV=1) results in an incorrect converted presampled value.


ADC Conversion Timing Register 1 (CTR1) and Presampling Control Register (PSCR), field

PREVAL1(bits 27:28) can be programmed to select the conversion durations and reference

voltages for ADC channels 9, 10, 15

    Best Regards
