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SPC560B Discovery board , Issue with stop mode .

Alok Nigam_2
Associate II
Posted on May 10, 2018 at 06:58

I am using spc560b discovery board , i want to implement low power modes like halt , stop and standby ,

i am able to implement standby mode and waking up with CAN Rx at PB1 , however when i try with stop mode

i think it got hang and current consumption not get reduced and it didn't wakeup like in standby mode .

For sleep i am using PA3 pin interrupt , most of the code i have took from the example project , SPC560Bxx_OS-Less_STANDBY_Test_Application_for_Discovery that i got in different thread .

I am sharing code as attachment any help will be appreciated .

#issue-with-stop-mode-. #spc560b-discovery-board
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on May 15, 2018 at 11:03

hello Alok ,

First, CAN IPs should not be slept in STOP Mode.

Secondly, some parts of the wakeup code should be part in the SRAM not in the Flash. (check your address function location)

Maybe , you are trying to wake up in the CFLASH by a branch, it is going to generate an assert.

                 Best regards
