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PWM with eMIOS on group0 ch 0..5

Associate II
Posted on March 31, 2014 at 20:03


it's my first Project with a SPC560D40 an SPC5 Studio. I'm trying to generate PWM-Signals on the Pins RA0 to RA5. When I look in the eMIOs Settings of the SPC560Dxx HAL Driver Component, I can only activate eMIOs group 0 (Channel 9..15) or Group1 (Channels 17..23) but RA0 to RA5 should be Channel 0..5. For these Channels I can only activate ICU drivers.

Is this right? Is there an other way to activate PWM on these channels? The provided documentation for SPC5 is very rare. Can I programm it in my own driver?

Thanks for help

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Posted on April 01, 2014 at 09:35


The channels are assigned to PWM and ICU drivers like you described, I will open a CR to make the assignment more flexible but probably this would be late for you.

Of course you can program a driver, you can also make it a configurable component in SPC5Studio.

Just do not enable ICU/PWM drivers and the peripheral is there to be programmed, the ISRs are not taken so you can write your own ISR code.

All the other drivers would be still available if needed.


Associate II
Posted on April 01, 2014 at 19:40

Thank you for this information. So i will try to programm the PWM step by step. My first attempt failed, but i try to copy the sheme from the original Drivers-files.


Stefan P