2014-02-18 6:23 PM
I'm starting to use a SPC56L-Discovery board that I connect with the PCthrough
the SPC5-UDESTK jtag-usb adapter. I installed the SPC5Studio and the UDE 4.0 to debug my board and load programs on it. But I have a ''strange'' error following the steps of the document AN4321 �Getting started with the SPC56LDiscovery�. In fact, all goes perfectly when I generate and compile the application, but when I try to debug it (and automatically it opens the UDE) I have this error:-Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :Can't connect target !
Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :
No Lockstep mode on target detected when using LSM configuration !
Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :
No JTAG client found !
Please check:
- target power supply
- JTAG cable connection
- target configuration
Message from component 'UDEDebugServer' :
Unable to establish connection . To correct the situation, check configuration file entries and try again.
Someone could help me? I don't know what I can do. Thanks to all #hightec
2014-02-25 7:17 AM