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how to found out any printf function for debug messages?

Associate II

I use SPC5Studio-5.8.1, and SPC574S MCU, but I can not found any printf funciton example in the serial example code. Would you help me?

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If using GNU/GCC wouldn't the STDIO plumbing come out via _write() ?

Implement output to a UART you've initialized for this purpose. ​

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Associate II

Thank you for your answer. would you give me some more information.

where can I found the  via _write() ?

Check or Google newlib/syscalls.c

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Associate II

Hi Tesla,

I don't found any useful information in search newlib/syscalls.c.

and I found that SPC5Studio can not found the file of "newlib/syscalls.c".

so do you have any other suggestion?

Giuseppe DI-GIORE
ST Employee

SPC5Studio provides a component called "Runtime I/O" which implements the low lever software to enable printf().

Add "Runtime I/O" component to your project, configure it (which seria port to use) and use printf().

Hi Giuseppe DI-GIORE,

Thank you for your reply. I don't know how to add ​"Runtime I/O" component to my project.

Would you give me a example? I searched "Runtime I/O" in serial enabled project , but found nothing.

Select a Platform Component (right click)

0693W00000WIn3NQAT.pngThen select Runtime I/O component


Hi Giuseppe DI-GIORE,

Thanks you for your reply. I can add this ​"Runtime I/O" component to my project.

Then I need to select Linflex1 to use like picture. I use SPC574S64E3, I want to use PIN81 and PIN 82 to output data, so what should I do next? I tried to right click on "SPC5 Runtime -component" then select "Generate SPC5 application", it will show an error. attached picture for your reference.


Giuseppe DI-GIORE
ST Employee

Configure the serial port using the Low/Level Driver component (selecting the pin you need) and the select the just configured serial port in the Runtime I/O component.