2015-06-26 6:34 AM
I always have to manually change some values in mcuconf.h when I generate the code out of the config because I can't find how to set them in the config or anywhere else. I'm using a 16MHz external xtal and I have to set SPC5_FMPLL0_IDF_VALUE and SPC5_FMPLL1_IDF_VALUE to 2 instead of the default 5. Same for SPC5_MCONTROL_DIVIDER_VALUE that I have to set to 15 instead of 1 to get my ICU-PWM config to work. Where can I set these value in the config to get correct values on code generation? Thank you for all improvments since the v2.02015-06-26 7:27 AM
hello Aurelien ,
mcuconf.h is generated from the configuration file.HAL Drivers ==> Initialisation settings ==> FMPLL0 Settings Best regards Erwan2015-06-28 11:53 PM
Oops, I never noticed it was collapsed... Thank you!