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How create section in SPC5 studio?

Nicola Bogoni
Posted on June 23, 2017 at 14:03

Hi everybody,

I'm using SPC560P50L5 processor.

I need to declare some sram program and data sections. How can i do in spc5 studio?

my code consist in different function, and each of this need a particoulare storage address zone and a particoular ram zone.

Are there the possibility to create a personal file?

Are there a possibility to do that outside file (for example into main.c file)?

Thank you very much


#spc5 #memory-sections-ram-linker #memory-sections
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Accepted Solutions
Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on June 23, 2017 at 15:44

Hello ,

 yes , you can create your own linker file

you can declare your section in user.ld

1) Copy-paster Application.ld file

2) rename it by user.ld

3) add your sram section

            Best regards


View solution in original post

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on June 23, 2017 at 15:44

Hello ,

 yes , you can create your own linker file

you can declare your section in user.ld

1) Copy-paster Application.ld file

2) rename it by user.ld

3) add your sram section

            Best regards


Associate II

i can able to create the my own user.ld file with different flash memory section (i.e. Calibration, bootloader and application).

Now what happen whenever i am doing the clean the project and regenerate the SPC driver then automatically IDE generate the default application.ld file. So, is there any setting which can tell the IDE and compiler that mot to generate the default application. ld linker file