2019-05-03 2:48 AM
uint8_t pit_ch1_var=0;
uint32_t pit_ch2_var=0;
void pit_ch1_cb(void)
pit_ch1_var = 1;
void pit_ch2_cb(void)
* Application entry point.
int main(void) {
CANTxFrame txmsg;
CANTxFrame txmsg1;
/* Initialization of all the imported components in the order specified in
the application wizard. The function is generated automatically.*/
/* Enable Interrupts */
/* Start PIT driver */
pit_lld_start(&PITD, pit_config);
/* Enable PIT Channels */
pit_lld_channel_start(&PITD, 1U);
* Activates the CAN driver 1.
can_lld_start(&CAND1, &can_config_cfg0);
* CAN TX Message structure.
txmsg.IDE = CAN_IDE_STD;
txmsg.LENGTH = 8U;
txmsg.data32[0] = 0x55AA55AAU;
txmsg.data32[1] = 0x00000000UL;
txmsg1.IDE = CAN_IDE_STD;
txmsg1.RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA;
txmsg1.LENGTH = 8U;
txmsg1.data32[0] = 0x00000000UL;
txmsg1.data32[1] = 0x00000000UL;
/* Application main loop.*/
if(pit_ch1_var == 1)
pit_ch1_var = 0;
txmsg.IDE = CAN_IDE_STD;
txmsg.SID = 0x100;
while (can_lld_transmit(&CAND1, 1, &txmsg) == CAN_MSG_WAIT) {
txmsg1.SID = 0x100;
while (can_lld_transmit(&CAND1, 1, &txmsg1) == CAN_MSG_WAIT) {
return 0;
How to transmit can as per the cycle time requirements, 10ms, 100ms or 500 ms. Please clarify.
2019-05-09 7:13 AM
Hello Prashanth ,
have you solved your issue ?
Best regards
2019-05-09 7:18 AM
Hi Erwan,
Yes, I learned about the behaviour.
Actually, I haven't connected my CAN peripherals to the CAN network, so what happened is, it is not able to sense the bus (Carrier Sense) which produces a bit error and it arbitrates repeatedly to gain access over the bus. (That's the reason for the continuous transmission of CAN Frame). Once I connect the CANH & CANL to CAN peripheral(say Canalyser or CANoe), I'm able to visualize the proper behaviour.
So, I can consider this query as closed.
Thanks & Regards,
Prashanth Mohan