2020-02-19 3:58 AM
please help me.
with regards,
2020-02-28 9:40 PM
Hi all, At-least I found one way to do configure GPIOs mode(input or output) at run time. I found that static const spc_siu_init_t spc_siu_init[] structure present in board.c file contains all our pins configuration but it is a constant structure; so, I made one copy of the same file and change the constant structure to ordinary structure and the I change input as output and vice-versa by doing on register level writing on SIU register like this SIU.PCR[spc_siu_run[PIN_GPIO0].pcr_index].R = (iomode_t)(PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); This will configure GPIO0 as output, initially I configure as input.
with Regards,