2023-05-18 11:09 PM
Hello, when I use SPC5Studio software to program the SPC582B microcontroller, how can I set the data sent by SPI communication through SPC5Studio? Because I cannot find the SPI module's menu or options for setting the content of data sent in the SPC5Studio software! Can you tell me!
2023-05-19 12:08 AM
import and look at this Chorus 1M example : "SPC582Bxx_RLA DSPI Test Application for Discovery"
Best regards.
2023-05-19 1:05 AM
If I want to use DSPI to send two data 0x26 and 0x69, where should I fill in these two data? I couldn't find an option in the "SPC582Bxx_RLA DSPI Test Application for Discovery" application to place the two data I need to send!
2023-05-19 1:20 AM
You have to use the SPD driver like in the example
start the driver:
spi_lld_start(&SPID1, &spi_config_low_speed);
put your two bytes in txbuf:
txbuf[0] = 0x26;
txbuf[1] = 0x69;
send these 2 bytes through API:
spi_lld_send(&SPID1, 2, txbuf);
then stop the driver: