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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

 GTM 1.7.0 Released

The new main update site has been updated with GTM 1.7.0.

SW Prerequisite : SPC5Studio 5.8.1

GTM 1.7.0

  • Improved ATOM, TBU, DPLL and CMU support
    • MCS compiler plugin integrated to easy MCS code compilation
    • Updated GTM Free Test Application

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Tran Hung
Associate II

Over-current protection by eTimer FAULT safing mode.

Hello Erwan!

I tried to configure eTimer_0 ETC_4 as a source FAULT_0 for eTimer 3. The PA[13] is assigned as an external input fault source. My configuration code is below:

void etimer_config ()


ETIMER_0.CH[4].CNTR.R = 1000;

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.CNTMODE = 0x6U; /* Edge of secondary source triggers primary count till compare */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.PRISRC = 0x18U; /* primary count source = IP bus clock/2 */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.SECSRC = 0x4U; /* Counter #4 input pin[4]/ PA[13] */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.ONCE = 0U; /* count repeatedly */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.LENGTH = 0U; /* count until rolling over */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL1.B.DIR = 0U; /* count up */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL2.B.OEN = 0U; /* output disable */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL2.B.RDNT = 0U; /* disable redundant channel */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL2.B.INPUT = 0x1U;  /* External input signal enable*/

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL2.B.SIPS = 0x1; /* Positive edge for recounting*/

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL3.B.FMODE = 1;   /* change mode */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CTRL3.B.FDIS = 1; /* The channel OFLAG output is affected by this FAULT pin. */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].FILT.B.FILT_CNT = 7; /* sample filter counter*/

ETIMER_0.CH[4].FILT.B.FILT_PER = 255; /* input filter period */

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CCCTRL.B.CPT2MODE = 0x2U;  /*Capture 2 Mode Control*/

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CCCTRL.B.CPT1MODE = 0x2U;  /*Capture 1 Mode Control*/

ETIMER_0.CH[4].CCCTRL.B.CFWM = 0x1U;  /*FIFO = 2*/


void FAULT_PIN_Configure ()


    SIUL2.MSCR_MUX[206].R = 0x1U;


When this program operates, the PWM of eTimer_3 already disable, but it is enable when the fault pin PA[13] change the state. Can you review my configuration?

Tran Hung
Associate II

@Erwan YVIN​ 

Hello Erwan!

I am sorry to post my question in this post. Because I already tried to post my question to ''Q&A" group but it didnt work.

Can you check my question?

Thank you so much!