2021-06-14 4:51 AM
I've got an issue.
I'm actually trying to control the speed of the motor with PWM signal.
I'm coding on SPC574S-DISP with SPC5 Studio.
With a Control engineering of the speed I can easily increase the speed, but I can't decrease the speed.
In fact, I can't slow down the motor because of its inertia.
How can I do that?
In advance, thank you for your response.
2021-06-14 7:44 AM
what kind of motor?
stepper motor? bldc? brushed dc motor?
In the case of bldc, are you using trapezoidal or foc modulations?
Maybe show us some code
2021-06-15 12:03 AM
Thank you for the answer !
It's a DC motor
For my code, it's basically a loop for the speed with a PI correction
2021-06-15 5:27 AM
I dont think we can help you with this little info, try elavorating a bit more:
showing us the mdel of your motor and maybe some code helps