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Changing GPDI register values with UDE

Associate III
Posted on January 28, 2016 at 15:55

Good morning to everyone,

I have a little problem with the universal debugger.

In my testing application on the discovery board, I set the reading of a input register 


Now, reading the manual, I understand that is possible, via debugger, change the value of the registers. 

i tried what the guide tells. In the SFR view, I selected the register and tried to change is value, but with no result. 

The register is not protected. If I try to change the value of register as the STM register for exampple, I succed.

Someone has some idea on why it is the case?

Thank you,


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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on February 01, 2016 at 16:22

Hello Ivan ,

GPIO Pad Data Input Registers (GPDI) These registers can be used to read the GPIO pad data with a byte access. you can not write

* @brief Reads a logical state from an I/O pad.
* @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
* functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
* special hardware functionalities or special coding.
* @param[in] port port identifier
* @param[in] pad pad number within the port
* @return The logical state.
* @retval PAL_LOW low logical state.
* @retval PAL_HIGH high logical state.
* @notapi
#define pal_lld_readpad(port, pad) \
(SIU.GPDI[((port) * 16) + (pad)].R)

Best regards Erwan
Associate III
Posted on February 01, 2016 at 17:27

Hello Erwan,

thank you for the advice.

