2015-04-23 1:11 AM
I want to Emios-0 in SPC560B50L5 these Specific Pin (PB[11],PB[12],PB[13]) but when i set these pin in pin map as output like E0UC4 or E0UC5 ,... the pin map set the ANX Pins . and i check in spcstudio for use these PWM pins no driver is exist only Emios-0 Group-0 exist and only can use channel 9 to 15 . please help , about this issue Best regards Nazerian Vanima2015-04-28 12:50 AM
Hello Vanima ,
good catch, the first point is an issue and will be corrected in the next release SPC5Studio 3.5.for the EMIOS-0 Group 0, i am checking with the experts and we will create a change request for this. Best Regards Erwan2015-04-29 1:59 AM
Hello Erwan
Thanks for your response I have 2 requests : 1.Can you get me a samplecode for pwm with directly use from registers in SPC560B50L5? or I wrote my pwm function but i saw a registers in Udesk i set correctlly but the program not work or sometimes cpu Is in halt mode.IAttach my pwm code here can you help me about this ? (this code Refrenced to Advanced light control and diagnostics using document.pdf -AN4300) 2.I Want to go in sleep mode and then wake up with one of external wakeup pin , can you help about this ? Thanks So much Erwan With Best Regards Nazerian Vanima ________________ Attachments : main.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qZtX&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bpA%2FUplO.tkqb.Id0_.BXI8PZ6Nu3Rhe75Sa3PyPQCIWceY&asPdf=false2015-04-29 8:06 AM
Hello Vanima ,
1) I have tried your source code .. it seems to be stable. the CPU does not go in HALT Mode you can try to serve the interruption to track your interruption ..OSAL_IRQ_HANDLER(SPC5_EMIOS0_GFR_F0F1_HANDLER) {
uint32_t gfr = PWMD1.emiosp->GFR.R;
// Serve your interruption
2- About Sleep Mode ,
You can use use the STOP MODE or STANDBY MODE
Chapter Modes Details
This mode is fully configurable by ME_STOP_MC / ME_STANDBY_MC
/* Peripherals run and low power modes initialization.*/
(cf spc_clock_init())
and you should configure your correct ME_PCTL0...
we have a change request to provide in SPC5Studio a Low Power Mode DEMO Application.
Best Regards
2015-04-30 5:02 AM
for your information, version SPC5Studio_v3.4.5, containing the fix of the pinmap wizard concerning ADC input, has just been delivered.Best regardsPhilippe