2019-02-08 7:43 AM
In the data sheet for TSX339 it says in chapter 6.1:
"The output state is guaranteed as long as one input remains within the common mode
input voltage range (defined in the operating conditions table), and the other input remains
between -0.3 V and 16 V (meaning that one input can be driven above VCC+)."
Is the same true for LM2901, i.e. one input within the common mode input voltage range and the other input between -0.3 V and 36 V?
2019-02-19 3:25 PM
I believe so yes.
2019-02-20 8:27 AM
Thanks for answering but I would not select this circuit though until someone from ST says that this is really the case.
2019-02-20 8:31 AM
Select which - the TSX339 or the LM2901 ? The LM2901 is a generic part from numerous manufacturers and it was this part your question seemed to be addressing.
2019-02-20 8:37 AM
The circuit I would like to use is the LM2901 from ST if I can trust it only needs one of the input pins to be inside the specified common mode range and still have the right "result" on the output pin
2019-02-20 8:41 AM
Well as it's a generic part I doubt ST even designed it - they probably just copied the original and that was forty years ago so no-one will give any guarantees. Why not play safe and use resistive dividers on both pins to bring the voltages well within the rail voltages ?
2019-02-20 8:45 AM
I see I had missed that this is already guaranteed in note 4 below table 3.