2023-05-02 11:35 PM
I am developing a card with a supercap storage, I designed it for a consumption of 40uA as it is written in the datasheet, however I reach only 3mA and I use the "standby" mode written and found on the internet. Can you explain me how to disable the J-Link consumption, physically or by the software.
2023-05-03 1:08 AM
Welcome, @Thomcheh, to the community!
The topic of ultra-low power requires the use of all measures that reduce power consumption. Disconnecting the ST-LINK on the NUCLEO is only one measure and can be done on your NUCLEO-L073RZ (see schematics) either by removing JP6 or by desoldering SB2. If you feed the required 3.3V externally for your application, e.g. via CN6 or CN7, you only need to remove SB2, which disconnects +3V3 from the 3.3V regulator (U4), and can connect a current meter instead of JP6.
You can also refer to other resources in the community or knowledge base, e.g. How to minimize the power consumption in low power mode (similar, although it is one for a different STM32 family) or Increased consumption in low power modes.
Hope that helps?
2023-05-03 1:23 AM
There's a GrassHopper board that pretty much just has the Murata module and an antenna.
Sorry, misread as LRWAN LoRa post