2021-11-12 7:14 AM
I have genereted project for inverter EVSPIN32G4 in MC SDK 5.Y.3 (FV 1.4, MX 6.3.0) - project is attached to this thread.
I have added in project :
int16_t g_goal_torque;
int16_t g_current_torque;
uint16_t g_mc_current_faults_motor;
uint16_t g_mc_occured_faults_motor;
State_t g_stm_state_motor;
and in loop:
g_current_torque = MC_GetPhaseCurrentAmplitudeMotor1();
g_stm_state_motor = MC_GetSTMStateMotor1();
g_mc_current_faults_motor = MC_GetCurrentFaultsMotor1();
g_mc_occured_faults_motor = MC_GetOccurredFaultsMotor1();
MC_ProgramTorqueRampMotor1(g_goal_torque, 0);
When I run the application I have readings of current not near 0, but near 2700 (in pictures).
I have second issue (it is very possible, that this issue is connected with first one).
When I set torque (variable g_goal_torque) something about 2000, joint sometimes starting with oposite direction or start to sheaking.
Could You help me with find solution to fix those issues?
2021-12-20 10:56 PM
Dear @�?ukasz �?ęcki
Sorry for the late answer.
Do you have still this problem to solve?
And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.
Best regards