2021-03-04 10:07 AM
Using a custom board with an STM32F769 I had successfully interfaced to an eMMC with the HAL-MMC driver. The limitations of the driver's ability to query the extended CSD were clearly noted on this forum. I implemented my own routines to retrieve this information and correct the block sizes (after HAL_MMC_Init call). After upgrading to F7 FW v1.16.1 (released mid February) I noticed this functionality had been added to the driver itself so I removed my version.
The out of the box driver fails when calling MMC_ReadExtCSD() from HAL_MMC_GetCardCSD() with a command timeout (CTIMEOUT) error. After quite a bit of debuggin I compared the driver to the STM32L series driver and noticed in that version the SDMMC_CmdSelDesel() call was made prior to HAL_MMC_GetCardCSD(). After making the modification the code runs successfully. I'm by no means an SDMMC expert but I believe this fix needs to be made in the next firmware release. I would appreciate ST/Community confirming the issue. The "fixed" and suspect code is below:
/////// Working Code //////////
/* Select the Card */
errorstate = SDMMC_CmdSelDesel(hmmc->Instance, (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)hmmc->MmcCard.RelCardAdd) << 16U));
if(errorstate != HAL_MMC_ERROR_NONE)
return errorstate;
/* Get CSD parameters */
if (HAL_MMC_GetCardCSD(hmmc, &CSD) != HAL_OK)
return hmmc->ErrorCode;
/////// Suspect Code //////////
/* Get CSD parameters */
if (HAL_MMC_GetCardCSD(hmmc, &CSD) != HAL_OK)
return hmmc->ErrorCode;
/* Select the Card */
errorstate = SDMMC_CmdSelDesel(hmmc->Instance, (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)hmmc->MmcCard.RelCardAdd) << 16U));
if(errorstate != HAL_MMC_ERROR_NONE)
return errorstate;
2021-03-04 11:00 AM
Pretty sure the method that works most robustly is
Get CID from card
Select w/Relative Address Zero
Get RCA from card
Get CSD from card using RCA as parameter
Select w/RCA
if (BlockCount == 0x200000) Get EXTCSD from card
Depends what "HAL_MMC/SD_GetCardCSD()" does, most implementations just decode the CSD into structure variables, they don't actually call anything, but obviously ST continually shuffles things around
2021-03-04 11:08 AM
Thanks for the info, I'll use that order in my modified driver. The HAL_MMC_GetCardCSD() first decodes the CSD and then midway through actually makes a call to retrieve the extended CSD. It's a bit misleading but at least ST is making progress on the driver.
2021-03-04 1:18 PM
>>at least ST is making progress on the driver.
I suppose. Not clear to me why they need an SD and MMC fork, I just merged in a handful of changes to the old SDIO drivers.
The speed and bus-width stuff is still a huge mess.
And the shipping FatFs library is broken.
2022-09-09 6:13 AM
Safed my day, thanks a lot