2020-10-16 4:19 PM
2020-10-16 5:25 PM
Assume we're not all psychic..
What are you connecting to what, exactly? How is it connected? Be SPECIFIC
Wild guess here is that you're connecting to the ST-LINK/V3's STM32F723 with an external ST-LINK/V2
2020-10-17 12:25 AM
Right. Sorry for the lack of details, I wanted to be as specific as possible.
The board is STM32H750. CubeProgrammer is not recognizing it correctly and the device should not be F723.
I am using ST-LINK V2 connected to the SWD of the board and power it up via the VIN and Ground (5V) and selected the JP8 to E5V.
2020-10-17 5:35 AM
That's a chip, it is on a DK/DISCO board right?
You're not connected to the right spots to get to the primary target.
2020-10-17 6:14 AM
CN5 on the STM32H750B-DK goes to the ST-LINK/V3 chip
2020-10-17 8:20 AM
The board has an on-board ST-Link which you should use to program it on USB connector CN14. You don't need an external programmer. This is true for the vast majority of ST boards.
2020-10-17 8:36 AM
When I tried the first time, the STLK onboard connection worked. The PC was seeing the board and I was ready to try the flashing.
However, after I ran target flash from TouchGFX, it went unresponsive. If i connect the USB to STLK and put JP8 to STLK nothing happens.
The only way I can power up the board is with E5V on JP8. But, the PC is not recognizing the board (according to the picture above).
2020-10-17 9:29 AM
If it worked once, then it is more probable that the LDO/SMPS and VOS settings/code are wrong. The recovery method there is to strap BOOT0 HIGH and power cycle the board a couple of times until you can erase the H7
Erasing the firmware on the F723 is going to be exceedingly unhelpful in the context of recovering the bricked H750
2020-10-17 9:56 AM
F723 is present on the board? It is not very clear for me what is the F72X thing
2020-10-17 10:35 AM
FFS, this is an uphill ski, I've told you it implements the on-board ST-LINK/V3
Here's a picture to save me 1000 words..