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Where is the device driver for the SMT32MP157C-DK2 ?


The Wiki says it is easy but how do you link to a none existing serial device? No driver, no connection . As for connecting over Ethernet, the Wiki author must have never seen a STM32MPU157C-DK2 yet that page was approved by someone that must have never checked.

Principal III

Haven't you looked at the kernel / kernel patches? Its all there:

Both interfaces work on my DK2 already with the stock image (stm32mp1 4.19.9 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 13 08:16:23 UTC 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux), so what are you missing?


What am I Missing? Lets see; From a Windows 10 Work station I see nothing but a broken device, I can't compile and push a new image for the DK2 since I don't have a working Yocto setup, I don't have a working Yocto set up because we didn't budget for a new computer system with Ubuntu or VMWare. I've tried Virtual Box, WSL and WSL2 and now Docker but for some strange reason the Yocto documentation on using Docker stops at Windows 7 or three years out of date. There are MANY docker containers with Yocto setup but I've yet to find the magic decoder ring needed to actually get a working CROPS setup.

Until ST provides an INF file for the DK2 I can't see it, I can't ssh to it, I can't use STMCubeProg to update the image on the DK2, but perhaps after another day or two of google fu or if someone on Dockers forum (not likely) responses I can get CROPS working... While I wait on the end of the month, mean while I keep working with my other options, Nvidia Nano and Raspberry CM2.


I'm so use to NUCLEO devices I didn't realize the DK2 Boots from the SD card.... At any rate I found the VendorID and ProductID of the USB port shows the device is from Linux Foundation, I now know why there is no Windows INF..

Bernard PUEL
ST Employee

Hello Kevin,

probably you already know this page:

About Yocto build, I would advice for Windows 10 setup to use WSL2. See the related experimental section from article above. Docker has never work for us.

ST Employee

​Hi @KevinA​ 

This post has evolved from a connexion to board issue to a Yocto buld issue and so it's no more very clear how to help you.

If you don't mind, let try to clarify status at your end :

Keeping focus in this thread to initial request can you please clarify :

From Windows10, did you succeed to proceed to the flashing of your DK2 board with a basic Starter Package, referring for example to wiki Getting Started section :

If not, what problem did you encounter ?

For Yocto, can I kindly ask you to raise a new post giving further information on the target customization (to confirm you need Distribution package and so Yocto), and further details about status of your experiment with Virtual Box and WSL2. ( which are supported)



In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on 'Accept as Solution' on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

@Bernard I communicated with several people, one that makes a living customizing Yocto images on multiple platforms, nobody has used it or found the 'decoder ring'.

@Olivier, The Wiki does not show programming the board from Windows 10 nor does it mention there are *.img files in the starter package, when you look you see a typical build environment with no build directory. The request for an INF file to see the USB port from Windows 10 but it is not needed to program the DK2 (My request for a place to sent web and documentation errors) On the schematic of the DK2 it shows the boot mode to SD as 11 yet the PCB shows the switches in 00 when it boots from the SD card. STM32CudeProg sees the DFU on the DK2 with the switches set to 11 of the PCB silkscreen. Now that I know that STMCCUBEPROG can 'see' the DK2:

mkdir -p $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0/Starter-Package

mv en.FLASH-stm32mp1-openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-02-20.tar.xz $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0/Starter-Package

tar xvf $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0/Starter-Package/en.FLASH-stm32mp1-openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-02-20.tar.xz

Ending up with three *.img files two miles under my $HOME, the one I need:


Your right, from an issue of drivers to configuring Yocto, simple fix, I ordered a new computer yesterday, next week when it arrives I'll start down the Yocto path.

FYI: On WSL 2, I compiled MicroPython for NUCLEO-H743ZI, WSL 1 took 2 minutes 45 seconds, WSL 2 was past 10 minutes, I'm not sure how long it took since I fell asleep while reading each and every line that crawled onto my screen, WSL 1 you couldn't read anything, it was moving too fast and you all sure like long file names or just enjoy typing alot ;)