2020-01-03 5:51 PM
I was able to operate the wired keyboard, and wired mouse, according to example videos.
I am trying to adapt the library code to read data sent by the device, but HOST is restarting the connection every time the device sends from a different interface.
The device sends data from alternating interfaces (according to the button that was pressed) but I can only receive data from the first interface. (Mini Keyboard with Touchpad). Below some data obtained from a computer.
Is it possible to receive data from the second interface without having to modify the STM32CubeIDE library?
The same problem occurs with mouse, unlike wired mouse, the wireless mouse has two interfaces, and without this option to read data from the second interface, it is not possible to use the wireless mouse. (Logitech M185)
Thank you.
(Mini Keyboard with Touchpad - Windows 10)
Endpoint 0x81: Interface 1, endpoint 0x82: interface 2
2022-12-26 11:26 AM