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How to build project without the IDE?

Associate II

Using Atollic true studio before I used the headless option to build my project on the build server, where no IDE can be used. The build needs executing automatically on a git push.

So far I'm unable to locate any way to build the project on the server.

I want to carry on using the CubeIDE for development and able to build as it is now, but need a solution to build without the IDE.

Lead III

Since the defunct Atollic and the successor CubeIDE are Eclipse-based, I would suggest to try the "make-file" based poject that Eclipse IDE use to offer.

Never used it myself with Eclipse, though.

Associate II

After some more digging, I figured out how to do the headless build.

The old headless.bat file has now a new name: headless-build.bat

Plus this new file tries to rename parameters for making things more confusing.

Based on the simple and working Atollic example, I'm now calling the stm32cubeidec.exe directly without the renaming confusion.

For reference here is my headless build call:

stm32cubeidec.exe --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data "c:\cubeide_headlessBuilds" -import "%cd%" -build *

This is called from the project folder as a batch file. It will create a temporary folder: cubeide_headlessBuilds and use it as workspace. Then imports the current directory as project. This only creates a link no files copied. Then executes the build on all current build configurations.

I'd use straight make, or an IDE that "makes" makefiles.

Depends what the perceived value of the IDE is, and what it would do that an editor and a static-analysis tool wouldn't.

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