2019-06-18 7:14 AM
My board is the STM32F746ZG Nucleo board.
I am using the LWIP_HTTP_SERVER_NETCONN_RTOS example from the stm32cubef7 package.
The example works fine initially but if I leave it running for several hours suddenly the board stops responding in any http requests (LWIP accept in blocking mode inside a thread).
This is very strange and after several days of debugging I still have no clue what the problem is.
I would deeply appreciate any help.
Same behavior with the BSD_SOCKET API.
2019-06-20 10:35 AM
There is no single or few problems in ST's ETH and lwIP implementation - it's so full of broken design, bugs and stupidities, that it's easier to replace it than fix it. I'm gathering data for a major design flaw and bug report series, but don't hold Your breadth - ST will not fix it, because their code monkeys are to dumb.
As a proof that hardware works and that I know, what I'm talking about, check out this:
2019-06-21 11:52 PM
OK thanks, I read your post and sure I have no doubts that your modifications work, that means there are many firmware bugs...
However this doesn't solve my problem and as long you don't post your code then you could describe in a list the problematic areas,
that you have corrected....
2019-06-24 4:41 AM
Does anybody can propose a stable board for the ethernet/lwip examples?