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STM32F4 Input Capture TIM2 Channel 4

Associate II
Posted on August 21, 2015 at 14:02


I'm faced to the Problem that I do have to use TIM2 channel 4 for Input capture.

I know that channel 4 can not be used like 1 to 3.

But I thaught I can use the channel 4 to get edges and take CCR4 as counter to take its value each time I detect an positive edge.

I get an IRQ each time a positive edge occurres but CCR4 doesn't count up.

To compare the behaviour I'm using TIM3 channel 1 where it works well with the same configuration (of course TIMx is different) as simple input capture.

Does anyone know where the difference can be?


Posted on August 21, 2015 at 16:49

It should latch the current counter value, but it doesn't intrinsically ''count''. Determine why the counter isn't advancing.

I can't deduce what you're doing wrong with the details you've provided.

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