2016-04-27 6:48 AM
I am reading from different STM32F303CB the unique device IDs as follows:// unique device ID base address from RM p.1120
#define BASE_ADDR_UID ((uint32_t *)0x1FFFF7AC)
uint32_t UID_Low = BASE_ADDR_UID[0];
uint32_t UID_Mid = BASE_ADDR_UID[1];
uint32_t UID_High = BASE_ADDR_UID[2];
I got following values:
uC 1
20 34 36 34
57 32 57 07
0025 0023
uC 2
20 34 36 34
57 32 57 07
001F 002F
uC 3
20 34 36 34
57 32 57 04
0022 0036
uC 4
20 36 35 32
50 33 57 11
003F 0026
There is a description in the reference manual, what these values mean:
UID [31:0]: X/Y coordinates on Wafer (BCD coded) UID [39:32]: Wafer number (8-bit unsigned number) UID [95:40]: LOT number (ASCII encoded) Problem: In my UID_Low shall be the X/Ycoordinates coded inBCD. But 0xF in BCD does not exist. In addition, the highest byte of the LOT number is a space (0x20). Is the reference manual information false or am I doing/understanding something wrong? I hope you can help me. Thank you and best regards #unique-device-id-96bit-uid-stm322016-04-29 12:09 AM
BCD is just stupid, that it is used today is even more stupid.
But of course, you are right, there is no 0xF in BCD since it would defeat the whole purpose with the encoding. If you get these values as you say, then:1. Typo in reference manual2. Error when reading flash (wrong number of wait states configured?)3. Error/corrupted flash4. ST used some other strange BCD format which nobody heard of.Regards,Rygelxvi2016-04-30 2:36 AM
2023-07-08 1:21 AM
Hoping this will be helpful for anyone looking for answers:
UID[31:0]: X and Y coordinates on the wafer
UID[63:40]: LOT_NUM[23:0] Lot number (ASCII encoded)
UID[39:32]: WAF_NUM[7:0] Wafer number (8-bit unsigned number)
UID[95:64]: LOT_NUM[55:24] Lot number (ASCII encoded)
2023-07-08 3:47 AM
here is a simple gist for formatting serial no