2018-05-04 8:06 AM
I'm using a STM32L461VGTx and am trying to implement the SDMMC peripheral to read and write to a SD card using DMA. I've adapted CubeMX FatFs_uSD_DMA_Standalone example to my project which uses a simpler, custom file system. The problem I'm seeing is this: I can get DMA2 Channel 5 to work but not DMA2 Channel 4. I've set up both DMA channels using CubeMX with the following settings:
I've tried swapping the DMA channels assigned to SDMMC Rx and Tx, and that doesn't help: it's always DMA2 Channel 4 that does not work regardless of whether it is handling Rx or Tx.
Specifically, I am calling HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA or HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA and waiting in a while loop for the operation to complete. The conditions I'm waiting for are:
Using the debugger, I see that the DMA2 Channel 4 while loop always times out and 1-3 HAL_SD_STATE_BUSY, HAL_SD_CARD_RECEIVING, and the flag is not set, respectively. DMA2 Channel 2 works correctly in that 1-3 are HAL_SD_STATE_READY, HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFER, and the flag is set.
I also used an oscilloscope to probe the SDCLK and SDDA0 lines. When DMA2 Channel 5 is used, I see SDCLK toggling and SDDA0 transmitting or receiving. When DMA2 Channel 4 is used, SDCLK is held high and SDDA0 remains low.
What is happening here? Why does DMA2 Channel 4 not work while DMA2 Channel 5 works for the same setup? I would like to use DMA for both the SDMMC Rx and Tx.
#stm32-l4 #dma-sdmmc #sdmmc #stm-32Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-05-24 10:59 AM
When using DMA2_Channel4 for TX and RX paths, there is no issue.The problem occurs when using DMA2_Channel4 for one path and DMA2_Channel5 for the other path.
This is due to the fact that two channels are configured for SDMMC1 request.
The SDMMC DMA request is not dependent to a direction (it is SDMMC1 and not SDMMC1_TX or SDMMC1_RX).
So, as a workaround, we suggest to use one of these solutions:
1st solution :
Use same DMA channel for both Rx and Tx paths.
=> This can be done by using the function LL_DMA_SetPeriphRequest().
Best Regards,
2018-05-04 8:48 AM
Can you link to a web page for an STM32L461VG, Google isn't helping me.
Not sure of the value of two DMA channels in this context the bulk-transfers, and the command stream is serialized in a way that it's either READING or WRITING, and not putting it's pants on both legs at a time.
Would check the RM and errata if there is a specific issue or one channel or the other, but changing things frequently requires changing settings in about half-a-dozen places to make sure you're looking at the right flags, and binding to the right IRQ handler, etc.
2018-05-16 3:01 AM
,Can you please precise which CubeMx version and Firmware package are you using ?
I recommend you to checkif you have encountered this issue using the latest version.
Best Regards,
2018-05-24 10:59 AM
When using DMA2_Channel4 for TX and RX paths, there is no issue.The problem occurs when using DMA2_Channel4 for one path and DMA2_Channel5 for the other path.
This is due to the fact that two channels are configured for SDMMC1 request.
The SDMMC DMA request is not dependent to a direction (it is SDMMC1 and not SDMMC1_TX or SDMMC1_RX).
So, as a workaround, we suggest to use one of these solutions:
1st solution :
Use same DMA channel for both Rx and Tx paths.
=> This can be done by using the function LL_DMA_SetPeriphRequest().
Best Regards,
2018-05-29 11:16 AM
Hi Imen,
I used the first solution you described (use the same DMA channel) and that solved my problem.