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SPBTLE-1S - How to get a BLE connection?

Wolfgang Reinig
Associate II
Posted on January 07, 2018 at 03:06


I just got the EVAL-IDB007V1M with the spbtle-1s (based on bluenrg-1 and installed the STSW-BLUENRG1-DK (v2.5.0) on my Windows PC. The BlueNRG-1 Navigator recognizes the EVAL-IDB007V1M and I can 'Flash & Run' the basic examples and the BLE demonstration and test applications.

They seem to run on the EVAL-IDB007V1M - at least they to something when I press the buttons but I get strange results.

First, when I 'Flash & Run' the BlueNRG-1 Hello World from the basic examples I get this output:


With another terminal program it looks like this:


I expected Hello World... What's wrong?

Second problem (and more severe in my case): When I flash and run the BLE demonstration and test applications I would expect to be able to establish a connection to the EVAL-IDB007V1M from my Android smartphone. I tried to use the Apps STM32 BLE Profiles, BlueNRG and (sorry for that) nRF Connect. But I couldn't get any connection to the  EVAL-IDB007V1M. I tried several demo applications, e.g. BLE Beacon.

The Apps and the BLE stuff on my smartphone works in general and I can connect to other BLE devices.

Again: What's wrong?



#stsw-bluenrg1-dk #steval-idb007v1m #spbtle-1s #bluenrg-1

Accepted Solutions
Posted on February 09, 2018 at 10:36




if you're using the EVAL-IDB007V1Mboard, you have to change the setting for the 32 MHz crystal used in the SPBTLE-1S module. The BlueNRG-1 navigator is preconfigured for the EVAL-IDB007V1 board, which has another crystal (16 MHz).

Please make sure that in your project settings you use this setting:


The default configuration in all the projects that you have tried was fora 16 MHz crystal (HS_SPEED_XTAL_16MHZ)and that's why you were not able to make it work with your board.

I don't have anyEVAL-IDB007V1M board to test it myself. Please let me know if this works for you.

Best regards,


View solution in original post

Antonio Vilei
Senior III
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 15:18

Hi Wolfgang,

please keep into account that STSW-BLUENRG1-DK  provides you with different applications. They define different proprietary profiles and require their specific counterpart app on the phone/tablet.

In order to test the BLE functionality, I suggest to run the BLE_SensorDemo application on your EVAL-IDB007V1M. In this case, you will need to use the BlueNRG app on your Android phone.

If you want to build and flash the BLE_SensorDemo project, the relative path within your SW package is:


If you want to use a pre-built binary, instead, you can find it here:


Your current configuration for the terminal program (115200, 8N1, no flow control) is OK.

Best regards,


Posted on January 09, 2018 at 21:33

Hi Antonio,

thank you for your fast answer. I already used 'Flash & Run' in 'BlueNRG-1 Navigator' to flash the BLE_SensorDemo. The LED DL1 is flickering a little bit but I got no BLE Connection with my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S7) and with three different apps from different suppliers: BlueNRG, nRF Connect and BLE Scanner.To make sure BLE on my smartphone works as it should I used a BLE HRM belt which was recognized by all three apps.

With your answer I used the 'BlueNRG-1 Flasher' utility to flash the Firmware\BLE_Examples\BlueNRG-1\BLE_SensorDemo.hex file again. Same behaviour: DL1 is flickering but no BLE connection to any of the three apps (BLE HRM belt works fine)...

This is a screenshot after flashing BLE_SensorDemo.hex:


Do you have any further ideas what I could do?

best regards


Posted on February 09, 2018 at 10:36




if you're using the EVAL-IDB007V1Mboard, you have to change the setting for the 32 MHz crystal used in the SPBTLE-1S module. The BlueNRG-1 navigator is preconfigured for the EVAL-IDB007V1 board, which has another crystal (16 MHz).

Please make sure that in your project settings you use this setting:


The default configuration in all the projects that you have tried was fora 16 MHz crystal (HS_SPEED_XTAL_16MHZ)and that's why you were not able to make it work with your board.

I don't have anyEVAL-IDB007V1M board to test it myself. Please let me know if this works for you.

Best regards,


Posted on February 12, 2018 at 09:33

Perfect - it works!

Thank you Antonio for the very dedicated support! Because my Atollic TrueStudio 9.0.0 toolchain does not (yet) work as I expect Antonio made a 32MHZ version of BLE_SensorDemo.hex so I could test my evaluation board. Great Support!

Maybe ST should think about changing the BlueNRG-1 Navigator so it could recognize the STEVAL-IDB007V1M and flashes a 32MHZ version. This would help newcomers like me.

Now my next issue is to build a working hex file with the Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.0.0

Best regards


Posted on June 06, 2018 at 12:53

i am using IAR embedded workbench and i cannot find this symbol anywhere (it was trivial in TrueSTUDIO) . Do you have some alternatives where to define it and with what scope? 

Thank you, 


Posted on June 07, 2018 at 09:50

Hi Mitja,

what symbol are you referring to? I'm afraid I wasn't able to fully understand your question.

Could you please add more details about your request?

Also, if this new question is unrelated to the original topic, I would kindly suggest to start a new thread as this will maximize chances of getting an answer from other community members.

Best regards,


Posted on June 07, 2018 at 11:34

Hi Mitja,

after reading another message of yours in another thread, I understood that you were referring to preprocessor define for the crystal, i.e.



If you're using IAR Embedded Workbench, from the menu select 'Project > Options...' and then you can define it in the 'Preprocessor' tab of the C/C++ Compiler section, as shown in the picture below.


Best regards,


Posted on June 07, 2018 at 11:44

Thank you for a fast response! It worked like a charm! 




Hi Aontonio,

i am using the EVAL-IDB007V1M board and Keil V5.

as per your previous discussion ,i change 32 Mhz and it works for "hello World" example.

here, i modify "system_bluenrg.h" file.

But BLE programs are loaded to EVAL-IDB007V1M board but the BLE Android applications not detect.

kindly give the solution...0690X000006CxZNQA0.jpg