Posted on February 10, 2016 at 15:02I want to generate a PWM output for a GPIO pin without using Timer as the AF. Is there any other way of accurately doing this? Timers in other modes can be used. Code samples will be helpful. #output #pwm #disc...
Posted on February 10, 2016 at 19:44
I made a code for 50% duty cycle. Can you verify it?
void TIM2_IRQHandler()
if (TIM_GetITStatus(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update) != RESET)
TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update);
GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOD, GPI...
Posted on February 10, 2016 at 15:19I need a frequency of about 25 MHz. The System Clock is at 120 MHz. How to create interrupts using Timers at varying times? How can I alter the interrupt generation time for the next event when it is inside the in...