HelloI've managed to get the 'FLASH_EraseProgram' example program for the Nucleo-F413ZH that comes with 'STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0' working on a Nucleo-F413ZH board.It erases sectors 2 to 15 and fills them with data - i.e. 0x78563412 that shows up repe...
HelloI'm trying to read and write data to the flash on a STM32F413ZH using Keil MDK-ARM. I've been using the following code:uint32_t Flash_Address1 = 0x08140066;
uint32_t Flash_Address2 = 0x08140067;
uint8_t Data[4] = {0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99 };
I've been working on some code to control a 4-wire touchscreen on DisplayTech's DT028BTFT-TS using timers to de-bounce the respective touch screen wires.The code works on the Nucleo-F413ZH under debug and standalone. The coordinates of the positioned...
HelloI'm developing firmware for a STM32F413 on a PCBA. The controller needs to:- control two ADCs via one SPI,- control an LCD via another SPI,- de-bounce a switch using a timer and - communicate with a UI interface over a UART.The SPIs and the UART...
HelloI'm working through the 'STM32 USB training - 09.3 USB CDC libusb device lab' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft8LXVcYFRg).A copy of the 'HID_terminal.zip' is given with the course to be able to send some characters to the USB on the Nucleo-F44...
Hello @Guillaume K . Thanks for your suggestion.That did clear the errors that were still existing at the start of 'main()'. I added it before HAL_Init().I've still been unable to get the above example working, but have managed to get something sort...
@TDK and @Community member - It was a hardware issue in the end; the VDDA was not corrected. Now it works as required.Thanks for the help and suggestions
@Andrew Neil - thanks for the link to those resources. I used some of them, but thought the following might be useful for others - it does have a useful video to go with it:https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/cortex-m-fault-debug