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STM32H743We have 4 SPI busses running at 12.5MHz but the SPI clocks are sequentially. SPI 1 and 2 are using DMA Channel 1 while SPI 3 and 4 are using DMA Channel 2. We would like them to run in parallel.Can they run in parallel.The code uses HAL_SPI_...
I have a f767 SPI1 connected to F411 SPI2. F411 DMA Circular buffers at 64 bytes.F7 is sending and receiving 32 byte packets at 10HzF7 Clock is at 196Mhz, F4 clock is at 100MHzAfter a few hundred packets the F4 NDTR dma register for TX is no longer 6...
Posted on December 01, 2015 at 01:35I have set the data size to 8 bits for SPI on SPI1 using the pins PB3,4,5, PA15. I see 8 bits of data on the MOSI line corresponding to the 8 bits I put into SPI1-DR. But on the rx side I see the 8 rx bits in SPI-...