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Hi all:I have a bare-metal firmware running on an STM32F407VGT6, and I am implementing a CAN bus interface. It is a very simple "slave" device that responds to short commands.Most basic CAN bus operations are working, but I still haven't finished the...
Hi all:I have problems understanding the pull up/down situation with regards to 5V tolerance.I must admit that I have limited hardware knowledge, so please be gentle. I have searched and read a lot, but couldn't find a definitive answer yet.Say that ...
Hi all:I am using an STM32407 running at 3.3V, and I have 2 inputs connected to 5V signals.One of the signals comes from an outside sensor (a data line), and the other one is connected to a 5V optocoupler populated on the same board.I have measured t...
Hi all:I have firmware for a STM32F072RBT6 that uses the Standard Peripherals Library.I am now considering porting the firmware to a different microcontroller from the family STM32F098. There are 3 of them: STM32F098CC, STM32F098RC and STM32F098VC, b...
Hi all:I have an STM32F407 and I am trying to implement a CAN bus software driver.I want to know if there has been a Rx FIFO overrun, which would mean that the firmware is too slow and is not seeing all received messages. Each hardware Rx FIFO can on...