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MCSDK:mdsdk6.3.1 In the decoupling term calculation of the current loop, is there an error? welecT is of the fixp30_t type, while the compensation term uses FIXP_mpy(upQ, welecT). The result obtained in this case should still be Q30. Should FIXP_mpy ...
MCSDK 6.3.1Does the HSO algorithm in FOC support IPMSM motors? I see that in the MCSDK software, i can select IPMSM, but the generated code does not include ld and lq. Does this mean the HSO algorithm can only be used with SPMSM? 
Hi :[VERSION]: MCSDK 6.3.1I have some questions regarding the HSO ADC sampling configuration. I am currently using a custom PCB to validate the HSO algorithm with the STM32G431 chip. ADC1 and ADC2 are used to sample voltage and current separately. Th...