Register 6Fh, D[1] SPI_HSoff_highLow ohmic path switch off disable bit for HS pre-driver stage A and B0 / R/W (default) (‘1’ = low ohmic path enabled)When D[1] =0, Low ohmic path between HS driver GHy_x and SHy_x is connected or disconnected?When H-...
Per example code of L9369, to set SPI_set_PWM, one read-write operation for 6Ah is used and
to set SPI_PWM_A, another read-write operation for 6Ah is used.
My question: Can two separate read-write operations be merged into only one? Thanks!
EN_EL pin (#47) is originally EN function and to set it as RST function, need to set D[4] of reg8Ah.
My question: When to set D[4] to 1 to enable RST function? should it do after setting watchdog ?
RST Remapping on EN_EL the function of I...
The L9369 is dual channel solution for two rear wheels brakes actuators, but we need only 1 channel for one motor. Is there special design to combine two channels to drive one motor?
If there is single channel EPB driver chip similar to L9369, L9369...