Hi,I am trying to use the internal DMA mode on USB_HS as a device mode. Can I get relevant USBD_LL_x api's which support it. And a sample example code which uses this DMA bus for configurations. Thanks,Srinath
Hi,I am trying to use internal DMA configuration on STM32F415RGT6. Couldn't find the relevant support for enabling the dma and also watching off the dma transmit and receive flag as an Endpoint mode. The STM is operating as an Endpoint device. I am t...
Hi,Can I get a file which supports the integration similar to this on USB with internal DMA usage.um1734-stm32cube-usb-device-library-stmicroelectronics.pdf We are trying to use similar example, it is not helping much. Couldn't read the data from Hos...
Hi,Can I get a file which supports the integration similar to this on USB with internal DMA usage.um1734-stm32cube-usb-device-library-stmicroelectronics.pdf We are trying to use similar example, it is not helping much. Couldn't read the data from Hos...
Hi @FBL,We tried with 4 bytes aligned packet. We couldn't get the data from the HOST. Our DMA configuration is done on ST which acts like the Device mode. We tried checking the AHB Buss error bit also. I couldn't get any leads over it. It will be hel...