Hi @srikanthmedisetty1.5616173611852678E12 (Community Member)By looking at the AI example code located in /usr/local/demo/bin/apps_laucher_example.sh on the target, you can see that it uses "gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/usr/local/demo/media/stm3...
Hi @srikanthmedisetty1.5616173611852678E12 (Community Member) To display your BMP file on the DK2 screen you need to add the BMP loader file (libpixbufloader-bmp.so) into gstreamer gdk-pixbuf plugin (/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/) .Then, y...
It seems that your clock is correct,I've seen that you've changed the power supply in the DTS when I it compare to the DK2 wifi configuration,May I ask you to check the hardware to see if it's a power problem, not a clock one ?BR,Calvin
Hello Mokail,Thanks for posting your question in the community,What type of board are you using ?If custom, the clocking of the sdmmc3 is set on the TF-A device tree, I'll invite you to check if it's correctly clocked.BR,Calvin
Hello,I managed to reproduce and i found an issue in the MAILBOX_Poll function in OpenAPM_TTY_echo/Src/mbox_ipcc.c.This function treats either a buffer free or a new message event but not both. As a buffer free event is received each time a rpmsg is ...