Posted on June 09, 2016 at 11:36Hi Mayla, thank you Mayla, for your fast reply. I read the article, but honestly I do not understand where to enable/realize the handler exactly. Could you please give me some example code? Thanks in advance. Kai
Posted on June 08, 2016 at 16:10Hello Shahrzad, using the current version of STM32CubeMX 4.15.0 and FWV 1.12.0 the problem is still there (stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c, MCD Application Team, version V1.5.0). I fixed the UART_DMATransmitCplt function in the ...
Posted on September 02, 2015 at 13:59Hi there, I'm new to this forum and just wanted to paste some code I just wrote and tested to make the STM32F405 work together with a 24AA64 EEPROM. Thank you for this post, it helped me a lot. I used the STM32Cu...