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Good morning at all.Is it possible to split ADC channels by using DMA and by POLLING them manually?I'd like to sample 17 channels by DMA in continous conversion and then poll one channel manually which is MUXed with external IC to different analog si...
Posted on April 11, 2018 at 09:42Hi,strange problem here.With STM32 ST-LINK Utility V4.10 & V4.20 i got an USB communication error with ST-Link/V2 Firmware V2J28S7, V2J29S7 and V2J30S7. With Version V2J30S7 and STM32 ST-LINK Utility V4.20 i gotOLD S...
Posted on September 11, 2017 at 14:09Hey,does someone use stdperiph_lib V1.5 in combination with stm32f071rb ?Just read in the changelog that it was updated in Dec. 2015: Add support of the STM32F070xB, STM32F070x6 and STM32F030xC  devices.But did ...
Posted on August 23, 2017 at 16:03Hey,i have a strange behavior of STM32F071RB6T.I initialize the RCC, TIM3 for PWM 1Ch. works!I initialize the RCC, TIM3 for PWM 1Ch, ADC with DMA. works!I deaktivate PWM init and just whant to test the ADC with DMA ...
Posted on August 27, 2015 at 09:50Hi , i'm currently developing a circuit with the STM32F051C6Tx. When i select the Cpu in CubeMx i can not selct the I2C2 on PB10/PB11, there is just the I2C1 on PB7/PB6. As i read in the Datasheet befor there have t...