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Hello,We have integrated VL6180X proximity sensor with our Nordic chip. With help of ST application note we have prepared library for VL6180X sensor. We have consider all necessary setting mentioned in application note. We are facing one strange issu...
Posted on February 14, 2017 at 07:01Hi,I have interfaced OV5640 camera with STM32F429VI using DCMI and DMA. I am capturing JPEG image. The data of image storing in external SRAM using DMA. SRAM size is 512 x 16Bit.I can able to store image which has...
Posted on January 11, 2016 at 10:53Hi, As I am working on STM32F429. I am using Keil uVision 4. I have written my custom boot loader to jump to specific application on reset. I am downloading my boot loader code at internal flash address 0x08000000 ...
Posted on August 23, 2015 at 08:54Hi,I am new to use STM8L controller.I am just trying to put Simple character on UART using STM8L discovery board.But I am failed to do this.Following is my code for this.void main(void){        u8 Data = 'N';       ...